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Statement Due Dates

Each semester, students have the option of paying in full or utilizing a payment plan. Payments may be made online, through the mail, or in-person at the Student Accounts Office. For more information, view the Payment Options page.

It's Here! On Demand Statements - now available!

  • View a live statement of your current account activity and balance whenever you need.
  • On Demand Statements provide the most up to date information on your account versus the traditional e-bill statements that reflect a point in time reflection of your account.
  • View in your student account today. Just select the term desired and you will get the charges and payments breakdown.

The following due dates are for the Payment Plan options.

Summer 2024

Reminder Sent
Due Date
  06/01/24 06/28/24
  07/01/24 07/28/24

Fall 2024

Fall 2022 due dates

5 Month
Payment Plan

4 Month
Payment Plan

3 Month
Payment Plan

Reminder Sent
Due Date
1st Installment     08/01/24 08/28/24
2nd Installment 1st Installment 1st Installment 09/01/24 09/28/24
3rd Installment 2nd Installment 2nd Installment 10/01/24 10/28/24
4th Installment 3rd Installment 3rd Installment 11/01/24 11/28/24
5th Installment 4th Installment   12/01/24 12/28/24

Spring 2025

Fall 2022 due dates

5 Month
Payment Plan

4 Month
Payment Plan

3 Month
Payment Plan

Reminder Sent
Due Date
1st Installment     01/01/25 01/28/25
2nd Installment 1st Installment 1st Installment 02/01/25 02/28/25
3rd Installment 2nd Installment 2nd Installment 03/01/25 03/28/25
4th Installment 3rd Installment 3rd Installment 04/01/25 04/28/25
5th Installment 4th Installment   05/01/25 05/28/25

Summer 2025

Reminder Sent
Due Date
  06/01/25 06/28/25
  07/01/25 07/28/25